Affiliate Links- prices can change and promotions can end at any time!
One of the most requested deals in the Save and Share Deals Facebook group is for Apple products!! Several are on major sale today for Prime Day!!
Grab the 2nd Generation Apple AirPods for 30 percent off!
Shop here-->

2. Apple Watch SE- $50 off and down to the lowest price we've seen it for all year!
Shop here-->

3. Apple Watch Series 8 is now 30 percent off and down to its lowest price it's been all year!! With the Series 8 you get advanced health tracking. This watch can measure body temperature, blood glucose levels, monitor your heart rate, track your sleep, and so much more!
Shop here-->

4. Apple Watch Series 8 GPS- now 28 percent off and down to the lowest price that it's been all year!
Shop here-->

5. 9th Generation iPad- now 24% off!!
Shop here-->
